Porter United
Methodist Church
Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors.
Throughout the year, we have special services to celebrate church holidays and provide opportunities beyond the normal Sunday services.
Scouting Sunday (formerly Boy Scout Sunday) is observed on the 2nd Sunday in February. Scouting Sunday provides the congregation an opportunity to recognize the scouting program, the scouts, and their leaders as an outreach of the church's ministry.
On Thursday of Holy Week, we commemorate Jesus' last night before His betrayal with a special drama and Holy Communion.
We currently offer 2 Christmas Eve services. One is designed specifically for families with young children and is held late afternoon and is generally more contemporary. We also have a traditional candlelight service at 11 p.m. featuring carols, reading of the Christmas story, and Holy Communion.
Scouting Sunday (formerly Boy Scout Sunday) is observed on the 2nd Sunday in February. Scouting Sunday provides the congregation an opportunity to recognize the scouting program, the scouts, and their leaders as an outreach of the church's ministry.