Porter United
Methodist Church
Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors.
There are many ways to get involved with the ministries of Porter UMC. You can serve your church by being a liturgist on Sunday mornings; hosting coffee fellowship throughout the year (except during the summer months); signing up for altar flowers which helps support the mission of your choice; mowing the lawn; or by being a Sunday School teacher/helper.
Here are some of the details to let you know a little bit more about each area of service to help you make an informed decision:
Liturgist: helps the order of worship flow smoothly by leading the congregation in the Call to Worship, Congregational Prayer, Responsive Reading from the hymnal, and reading the week's epistle. You will get copies of the epistle reading and the bulletin by the Thursday before via email to help you prepare for Sunday. Copies will also be waiting for you on the lectern. If you want to help out, please fill out the form at the bottom and we'll get you on the schedule...make sure you let us know in what area you'd like to serve. Thank you so much!
Coffee Hour Host: provides the food for the time of fellowship downstairs immediately following the service. Please consider signing up to help provide snacks for Coffee Hour. To find out more info on the responsibilities of hosting, please click HERE. Fill out the form at the bottom of the page if you're interested in serving your church as a Coffee Hour Host.​
Lawn Mowing: We are always looking for volunteers during the months of May through October to mow the church lawn. Thanks to those who continue to serve in this capacity!
Sunday School Helper: We are always in need of volunteers to be a helper during our morning children's Sunday School classes. We also appreciate those who can be available to fill-in as a teacher when needed.
Miscellaneous Church Events: Throughout the year, Porter UMC holds many different events and appreciates any & all help that could be given to help make the events a success. We need people to help prepare food, set-up, tear down, clean, etc. If you can help, please sign up using the form below. Thanks!