Porter United
Methodist Church
Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors.
Thanks to our church member Radine Kretlow, the idea of Purses of Hope was presented to the women of the church who attended a January breakfast back in 2016. After hearing Radine talking about what this outreach was, the women decided to take this on as a mission project throughout the year. Women who are battered or abused usually leave their circumstances with only the clothes on their back. So, we are putting together used purses you are no longer using with the following items:
· Kleenex
· makeup
· wipes
· Comb/brush
· $5 in ones
· wallet
· pocket calendars
· manicure items
· feminine pads or tampons
· pens and pencils
· small pads of paper
· travel toothbrush and toothpaste
· sample size deodorant
· washcloth
· small bar of soap
· sample shampoo
· sample mouthwash
· gum or mints
If you don’t want to do an entire purse, but want to participate, there is a bin in the sanctuary to contribute a purse or any of the items so that others can use them for the purses we are putting together. Let’s give them away to women who might need these special purses at the local shelter or just women we see on the street who are need.
“Purses of Hope” presented to Dayspring Women’s Center & Gabriel's Horn on behalf of Porter United Methodist Church.
(PHOTO, L - R): Jeanine Thomas (member of Porter UMC), Aly Gibbons (program director of Dayspring), and Judy Reales (Porter UMC Missions Chair).
(PHOTO, L - R): Jeanine Thomas (member of Porter UMC) and Marcia (manager of Gabriel's Horn).